Weekly Deals Feb 2nd- Feb 8th

1Weekly Deals

WOW! It is February already! It seems like it was just a few days ago that it was New Years.

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. We certainty did. As I mentioned previously, it was my husbands 40th birthday this past Sat. I planned a surprise party for him. I was sure that he knew about it, but apparently he didn’t pick up on anything, and we were able to completely surprise him when he walked in the door. About 30 of our friends and family came out to help him celebrate. It was a fantastic evening!!!!

My house may never recover though lol I bought a ton of confetti cannons and passed those out to people. When my husband walked in the door, everyone shot theirs off. These was metallic mylar confetti and streamers everywhere! I swept that night, and 3 more times on Sunday. I still found some here and there last night. Even found some at the base of our driveway last night. Hmmm…

Onto today’s news, the Weekly Deals!

My favorite? The Crazy About You stamp set. Love love love it!

Crazy About You

It is SO versatile!!!! I am reaching for this set all of the time, just to use some of the words/phrases included. I think this set should be a staple for any stamper. I purchased this set about a year ago, before I became a demonstrator, and have never been disappointed in that purchase.

Now, I will be purchasing the punch this week! This is one that I don’t have that is on my wish list. 25% off? Perfect time to grab it 🙂

I was busy in my craft room last night. I will have a post up tomorrow sharing what I came up with, including a ridiculously  simple card that I just love.

Have a great day!!!